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Friday, November 23, 2018

West Marches - Friends on The Dock

West Marches - Friends On The Dock

Azais and Sedriks are wandering the vast docks in Soulbrook, watching ships unload various sized crates and cages. The sun is uncomfortably hot for Azais' liking, thankfully the salty breeze helped take the edge off.

Sedriks seems unperturbed by the heat, casting carefully appraising looks over the ships and labourers.

Azais, noting his look, "I spent many long days and nights on ships like these in my youth. My parents hoped by distracting me with other places and people, I wouldn't be so drawn to look into my ancestry...how that backfired" she laughed. Turning her gaze from a particularly stunning, teal sailed ship, to look at Sedriks.

"It's funny how the seemingly straight paths we set down, turn so quickly into something else when we cast our gaze ever so slightly to the side"

"I spent some time on ships as a bard, but have na'er much liked the sea myself. And aye, paths...so what are ye looking at?"

"Answers." She retorts bluntly.

"Alright, what are ye questions?"

"The night Quiz and I guided you through your first magik encounter. We have not really had a chance to talk about how you are feeling?"

With disarming casualness, Sedriks responds, "Quiz has lent me some books, scrolls, reading. I understand the principles o' what he's teachin', but have had little opportunity ta practice regular like. I dinnae want many o' the others knowin' what I am...about."

"I understand. Our personal paths are not always safe in the hands of others." She pauses. "How did you feel after that night though?"

"I've little memory much other than being right tired. Twere the first time as ye say, that I had proper cast magiks."

"Tell me exactly what you recall"

Sedriks laughs dryly, "Spendin' far too long not catchin' a ball of light. The explanations. And finally feelin’ the casting, being able to hear all around, like the earth itself were singing."
"Sometimes, I tilt my head to the side just so, and I can hear notes, but I know o'er every instrument ever crafted, and these notes...they are no instrument made by mortal hands."

"Have you read or found much in your research about these kinds of instruments? What they might be, who made them, when or where? I must admit I have never really heard of such a thing"

"Nay, there is very little. I need access to less mundane studies. Perhaps they are magical in nature, o'er from some lost place in history. Even then, to read description off a page, is na'er like hearin' it, and I can hear it constant-like"

"Watching you that night was a first for me."

"How so?"

"I have seen a lot of magik in my years. It comes from various sources – that has always been fascinating to me. Mine magik originated when I was a child."  She trails off, pausing for a few long seconds before continuing. “I was so mad at my parents one day that I ran away. It was the dead of winter and in my rage I ended up losing myself in a close by forest. I do not remember a lot, only that I was found the next morning by my family's dog. I was in and out of consciousness from being so cold, but I do recall the healers in my room saying over and over again I should have died that night in the freezing snow.”

It was not until some years later that I discovered I was able to control the cold, and that it is where my power comes from." Azais slows and forms a tiny blizzard in the palm of her hand. Gently casting it down her outstretched arm to Sedriks.

Sedriks reaches out one hand, the ice and cold wobbling with less surety and control as he tries to receive the spell.

It slowly melts away. "You see, this is my kind of magik. Not always able to be learnt by someone who does not have the gift. Your magik Sedriks, from what I have seen come from a very different place than mine. I suspect you pull your power from the Earth. The notes you hear her singing to you ... that is how she speaks to you. Do you recall feeling at all...." Azais pauses looking for the word. "…like you were being guarded that night we left the cellar? As if you had something watching over you, you did not before?"

"I don't think so?" Sedriks frowns, pondering.

"I am not sure if you recall, but a few months back when we were delving through a tomb for Quiz I came across an Elementalist magik book. I am always interested in expanding my magik and learning ways to help grow its power, so I took it. With the days counting down so quickly I have been trying to find a cure for the LeShok back in the Fellwoods and in the process discovered something, which until that night in the cellar, did not hold much significance."


"It briefly stood out to me at the time because of the striking similarities to the LeShok, but I quickly dismissed it when I realized it was not what I sought. A tree like Fey Spirit, crowned with antlers and a veil of stars… A Twilight Walker was its name. I am afraid I do not know what power it holds... “ She hesitates.
"That night in the cellar, on your last casting, Sedriks you caused the Earth to split in two."
Azais stops walking and turns to look at Sedriks, trying to find her words. She knew he had no memory of this so was grappling whether to tell him. No, she had to. Sedriks was her friend and did not want him to be in danger because she could not speak up.

"You summoned a Twilight Walker. I was frozen as its giant, ancient body crawled from the Earth and hunched its way over to your side." Again she paused, but not for lack of words to access his reaction. Stone cold to those who did not know him so well. "I watched every step you took that night, I did not take my eyes from it while you slept. It stayed with you until morning, and as dusk began to break it simply faded away. "

Sedriks looks thoughtful. "Ye are sure? Why did ye say nothing? Also did Quiz see it?"

"Honestly, it did not seem a threat to you at the time; and I have been weighing up the benefit of telling you. If you did not see it that night, you may not be ready for the power you wield. I have no clue if Quiz saw it." 

"Hmmmm, ye may be right. I have done nay more casting beyond cantrips lest ye or Quiz be around. A Fey Spirit ye say... and not dangerous." Suddenly the bard lets out a laugh. "That's a nice change of pace really. Some benevolent spirit that came around aye?"

Azais joins his laughter thinking back on the intensity of their last few encounters "It certainly is."

They wander back towards the hall as the sun sits low in the sky.

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