Gabe - Dad Stuff
I was driving in the car yesterday with my son who is currently 8. It
was just the two of us and the song Same Love by Macklemore came on the
radio. I like the song but I looked over and saw that Gabe was being
really quiet. He was obviously thinking. You can always tell when an
eight year old is working through something in their head. I listened to
the lyrics and thought “wow here it comes. He’s gonna ask about what it
means to be gay and I gotta have an answer ready,”
So I started working through my response in my head. “son” I’d say
“sometimes boys love girls and girls love boys. But sometimes boys love
boys and girls love girls. That’s what being gay means and there’s
nothing wrong with it that’s just how some people are born. Some people
might tell you that being gay is bad but that’s not true. In fact there
are people we love, friends and even people in our family who are gay.”
I felt like that was a pretty solid start. Obviously I’d need to go
into the concept of gay marriage and try and explain why certain people
don’t like it. I’d need to talk about religion and how that colors
certain people’s views. I figured I would play by ear after that and
field any follow up questions as they came.
Sure enough he said “can I
ask you something Dad?”
“Sure buddy” I responded
He turns to me and asks “do you think Master Chief could beat a Kaiju all by himself?”
Please be eight forever son.
-Gabe out
I just really adored this little snippet into parenting, thoughtfulness and geekery. Adore.