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Friday, May 24, 2013

Life - Bullying

Life - Bullying

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can make me think I deserved it." -Today's XKCD

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Life - Nodus Tollens

 Life - Nodus Tollens

n. the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore—that although you thought you were following the arc of the story, you keep finding yourself immersed in passages you don’t understand, that don’t even seem to belong in the same genre—which requires you to go back and reread the chapters you had originally skimmed through to get to the good parts, only to learn that all along you were supposed to choose your own adventure.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Writing - Machine Ghosts

Writing - Machine Ghosts

These are the days of machine ghosts, of data through wires, threads and lines of human consciousness without beginning nor end.  These are the days that the images of ourselves are being left as digital imprints, records of tracings, momentary flickers of acknowledgement before we spin our way again down the binary ether.  Images come and go, and data flows.