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Monday, April 29, 2013

Life - On Forgetting

Life - On Forgetting

That moment when you try to search high and low on the internet for something you remember and can't find it...anywhere.  This piece of text, in a vast ocean of human thought, memory and binary data.  Only none of it is what you are SEARCHING for!


Monday, April 15, 2013

Thoughts - On Attractiveness

Thoughts - On Attractiveness

RsonW wrote this, a simple contemplation on attractiveness, and gendered stereotypes.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Quotes - Fred Rogers

Quotes - Fred Rogers

“At the center of the Universe is a loving heart that continues to beat and that wants the best for every person. Anything that we can do to help foster the intellect and spirit and emotional growth of our fellow human beings, that is our job. Those of us who have this particular vision us to continue against all odds. Life is for service.” 
 Fred Rogers

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Life - On Birthdays

Life - On Birthdays

Once a year, pretty much every 365 days like clockwork, you get to celebrate for 24 hours the fact that you exist.  It's kind of a peculiar little thing.  You've not actually done anything of real significance to deserve it, other than having continued to consume food and air and just...well living.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Life - Mahpiohanzia

Life - Mahpiohanzia

n. the disappointment of being unable to fly, unable to stretch out your arms and vault into the air, having finally shrugged off the ballast of your own weight and ignited the fuel tank of unfulfilled desires you've been storing up since before you were born.

Writing - Colonel Thomas Ferebee

Writing - Colonel Thomas Ferebee


Thomas Ferebee.

Colonel Thomas Ferebee.

Colonel Thomas Ferebee, the name of the man, the soldier, the airman, who pressed a button.  He pressed a button and a bomb fell from a plane.

Colonel Thomas Ferebee was an airman, who pressed a button, and dropped a bomb from a plane.  He dropped a bomb that would later be known as the first atomic bomb.  The first atomic bomb on people.  The first atomic bomb from a plane, at the push of his button, on people.

Colonel Thomas Ferebee pushed a button and dropped a bomb, and a hundred and fifty thousand people, a hundred and fifty thousand people died in a flash so hot, and so fast, that it left shadows where they stood.  Colonel Thomas Ferebee, an airman, pressed a button and an atomic bomb fell down from a plane.

The bomb killed a hundred and fifty thousand people.  No one ever says, history does not remember, "Colonel Thomas Ferebee killed a hundred and fifty thousand people."

No one remeembers that Colonel Thomas Ferebee pushed a button.

They only remember the white hot flash.

And the silence thereafter.