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Monday, August 13, 2012

Life - Happy


I'm sorry I wasn't there, but I'm certain it was a beautiful day.  You always had a knack for brightening the day and making things beautiful.  I'm sorry that we haven't talked much, I take responsibility for that one.  Life is a long and winding path, and ours just happened to be different this time.

Sometimes, I think about you, and what you might be doing.  Where you are.  Do you see the same sky high above?  Is my head still in the clouds?  You told me that once, that I wasn't altogether there.  That's one of the reasons.  I remember it well.  I wanted to prove you wrong once.  I did, I'll be honest.  Now I think it's one of my best qualities.  I like that I'm trapped in myself, once it was a prison, now it has set me free.

Sometimes I think you might be sitting on a patio somewhere, and the same sky would be above your head that would be above mine.  Maybe you'd see the same clouds I did...maybe the same rain would be falling on you.  We shared a rainy day together once, it was a long time ago.  I can barely remember the sensation, the moment, the feeling of living.  It was a long time ago.

Maybe you don't think of me.  It's probably for the best.  It was a long time ago.

I'm sorry that I wasn't there.


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