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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Life - Frustrations

Life - Frustrations

I am getting increasingly tired of the amount of communicative labour my friends unconsciously demand of me. The pressure to be the one who organizes people, who get them in contact, who finds information, who works at being helpful.

It's gotten to the point where the perception that having been a 'stage manager' means that I somehow like being the one who has to pull teeth to get emails or phone numbers, event starts, locations, maps, or even just check in constantly with people so they will arrive on time to a gathering, is beginning to make me furious.

You're grown adults. Take notes. Text a heads up if you're going to be late. Let someone know where you're at. Google maps the best route. Remember the information I LITERALLY SPELLED OUT. Why am I the one who has to do all this work as though you're still first-year acting students?

Please. Grow. Up.

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