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Friday, June 8, 2018

Tragedy - Anthony Bourdain

Tragedy - Anthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain.

I watched a lot of his shows, and I thought that one of the best things about him was how he talked honestly, and passionately about elevating the idea of experiencing culture and other humans. He talked about travel, about living, and about listening.

I really can't overstate just how incredibly 'honest' Bourdain was on his traveling shows. He chose to explore and engage, and fearlessly try things without portraying himself as having 'discovered' customs. He went off the beaten path. It wasn't about 'tourism', it wasn't about self-gratification of himself as a tourist.

It was about meeting people, hugging people, smoking with people. It was about talking and going over things he himself loved and hated, what things offended him, and why that might've been legitimate or awful. How he responded to things that were frightening or strange, and why more often than not they actually weren't.

It's a tragedy, and a reminder that you can 'have it all' but the insidious nature of depression, mental illness, and suicide means little in the face of that. We need to find more ways to engage, encourage, and uplift one another. We need to find better ways to protect the people that need protecting.

Rest in Peace Bourdain.

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